Training courses for employees of enterprises

The Ministry for the development of information and communication technologies for the purpose of training, strengthening the knowledge of personnel in February and May 2017 held a 34-hour training course on the program “Promotion of ICT, including” e-government “System, the establishment of national software products and increase the types of rendered public service”.

   The Ministry for the development of information and communication technologies for the purpose of training, strengthening the knowledge of personnel in February and May 2017 held a 34-hour training course on the program “Promotion of ICT, including” e-government “System, the establishment of national software products and increase the types of rendered public service”.
   February 25, 2017 using a network of video conferencing held a training course. In the training course were taken part staff of the central apparatus and territorial departments of the joint-stock company “Matbuot tarkatuvchi”.
In the training course, participants received advanced knowledge of software and the implementation of a unified state policy in the field of information, the formation of a practical mechanism for the selection of projects and a mechanism for effective use of funds on the basis of monitoring the implementation of projects supported by the most important and priority interdepartmental projects for government agencies, inter-agency integrated information systems, information resources and databases, the formation of inter-agency data networks.
   The courses, which will continue until 6 May, are expected to involve a total of more than 2,000 professionals of information technology and communications.

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