Trade Union Committee meeting results of implementation of the collective agreement in 2015

February 12, 2015 in the auditorium of the company was held a union meeting on the results of the implementation of the collective agreement in 2015.

   February 12, 2015 in the auditorium of the company was held a union meeting on the results of the implementation of the collective agreement in 2015.
   At the meeting was attended by chairman of the central council of trade union of communications workers of Uzbekistan A.A. Ishanxodjayev.
   According to the approved rules and agenda of the meeting the participants of the meeting made A.B.Kasimov, who briefed the meeting participants with the results of the commission, who believed the implementation of the parties of the items of the collective agreement.
   Next, the participants of the meeting were general director of JSC “Matbuot tarkatuvchi” S.U.Najbiddinov and chairman of the trade union committee M.N.Adilova with reports on the work done to fulfill the terms of the collective agreement. Speakers have answered all the questions of the meeting participants.
   Before the meeting participants gave A.Ishanxodjayev. In his speech he briefed the meeting participants on the prospects and the ongoing work carried out in the central office of the trade union of communication workers.
   Participants of the meeting acknowledged the work undertaken for the implementation of the collective agreement in 2015 satisfactory.

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