To the attention of periodical editors!
According to the decision of the Republican Special Commission for the preparation of the program of measures to prevent the entry and spread of the coronavirus, from March 22, 2020 in the territory of Tashkent on routes served by carriers, regardless of the form of ownership temporary suspension of all public transport, restriction of exit from the house in case of unnecessary protection of health of citizens, use of private transport in the interregional cities of Tashkent and Nukus from 06.00 on March 30 to 00.01 on April 20 Due to the restriction, it was announced that the Company's "Press" kiosks would be temporarily closed and that no orders for retail sales would be placed in periodicals. In this case, the Company's employees are on leave, and since February of this year it is not possible to collect unsold copies of publications delivered to the company for retail sale from the company's retail network, keep records and return them to the editors. In view of the above, we would like to inform you that all settlements on unsold copies of periodicals delivered to the company for retail sale will be made after the completion of quarantine measures.