The ordinary general meeting of shareholders

June 24, 2016 in the auditorium of joint-stock company “Matbuot tarqatuvchi” was held an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the company.

   June 24, 2016 in the auditorium of joint-stock company “Matbuot tarqatuvchi” was held an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders of the company.
   The following issues have been considered on the agenda:
- approval of the regulations of the general meeting;
- on the distribution to shareholders in the form of cash dividends, designed in accordance with the decisions of the general meeting of shareholders of the Company for previous years, to increase the authorized capital by capitalization.
- on approval of transactions with related parties of the Company, which may be committed in the future in the society of its current economic activity for the period until the next annual general meeting of shareholders.
   For all items on the agenda was a vote by ballot. According to the results of voting shareholders meeting took appropriate decisions.

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