The marathon in support of a healthy lifestyle was held in Tashkent

April 29 in Tashkent was a marathon “Salomatlik sari” (“On the road to health”). The action organized by the Council of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan was held in several regions of Uzbekistan...

   April 29 in Tashkent was a marathon “Salomatlik sari” (“On the road to health”). The action organized by the Council of the Federation of Trade Unions of Uzbekistan was held in several regions of Uzbekistan. The event was held with the purpose of attracting interest to physical culture and sports.
   In the capital, more than 4,000 people took part in the marathon. The length of the route was 2.8 km. At 8:00 the participants started moving from Afrosiab Street, running along the streets of Sharof Rashidov and Islam Karimov (formerly Uzbekistan), finishing at the Alisher Navoi Theater.
   Also, employees of the joint stock company “Matbuot tarkatuvchi” took part in the marathon.
   Awarded the winners in a solemn atmosphere on the square in front of the theater. The organizers also awarded the winners in the nominations “A participant of the most venerable age”, “The youngest participant”, “For striving for victory” and others.

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