The event was held

November 25, 2013 on the eve of the celebration of 21 anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan.

   November 25, 2013 on the eve of the celebration of 21 anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the auditorium of the joint-stock company "Matbuot tarkatuvchi " for employees of the central apparatus and sellers stalls "Matbuot " seminar was held on the theme " History of adoption of the constitution " and " Did their rights".

  The seminar was opened by the First Deputy General Director of Joint Stock Company " Matbuot tarkatuvchi " B.S.Kubeev who congratulated the staff of the upcoming holiday 21 anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan. A report on the topics addressed legal counsel Company A.Qosimov.

   Legal counsel Kosimova A. congratulated students on the upcoming holiday 21 anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution and in his speech informed the audience with the history of the Constitution and acquainted listeners with articles concerning the rights and duties of citizens reflected in the text of the Constitution.

   At the end of the event A.Kosimov answered questions from the audience.

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