The achieved results and the future tasks

On the eve of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized a variety of activities and workshops held under the slogan “My life, my fate, my dear - a unique Uzbekistan”.

   On the eve of the 25th anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Uzbekistan organized a variety of activities and workshops held under the slogan “My life, my fate, my dear - a unique Uzbekistan”.
   One such event was the seminar held August 10, 2016 at the Institute of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations on the theme. “Improvement of activity control center in crisis situations, achievements and challenges for the future”.
   The workshop was attended by experts of JSC “Matbuot tarkatuvchi” part. Of particular interest among the participants caused exhibited modern information technology and special equipment used for the prevention and organization of rapid response to emergencies.
   At the end of the event by the participants of the relevant proposals and recommendations were made as a result of the issues considered.

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