Spring New Year's holiday - Navruz

Navruz - the great feast of love, kindness and awakening of spring and renewal, peace and friendship, youth and labor.

   Navruz - the great feast of love, kindness and awakening of spring and renewal, peace and friendship, youth and labor. Navruz - a statement of eternity of life and inexhaustible bounty of nature.
   The onset of the long-awaited Navruz symbolized the eternal cycle of life, the greatness and boundless generosity of nature. All this is in tune with our spiritual values, the best qualities of people, such as humanism, kindness, compassion and generosity.
   Joint-stock company “Matbuot tarkatuvchi” congratulates to all of this kind and bright holiday of Navruz!

Kompaniya orqali tarqatiladigan nashrlar

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