Seminar was held
December 3, 2013 on the eve of the celebration of 21 anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan in the auditorium of the joint-stock company "Matbuot tarkatuvchi " seminar was held on the themes: " The historical significance of the constitution ", " The Constitution of the pledge of our happiness ", " The process of liberalization and reform of the judicial and legal structures in Uzbekistan "and" Legal Culture and the Constitution . "
This seminar was attended by deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis .
The seminar was opened by the Director of Joint Stock Company " Matbuot tarkatuvchi " S.U.Nazhbiddinov who congratulated the staff of the upcoming holiday 21 anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan .
For participants with a report on the topics by deputies of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis N.Aytzhanova and A. Kurbanov .
In their speeches the deputies briefed the audience with the history of the Constitution , introduced to the main sections of the Constitution. During his speech deputies briefed the audience about the difference between the Constitution of the Republic of Uzbekistan from the Constitutions of other countries.
At the end, the speakers answered questions from the audience .