Seminar in subsidiary Bukhara region

December 6, 2013 on the eve of 21 anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution , a subsidiary "Matbuot tarkatuvchi " Bukhara region workshop with staff on " The Constitution of Uzbekistan - the legal basis of our development."


    December 6, 2013 on the eve of 21 anniversary of the adoption of the Constitution , a subsidiary "Matbuot tarkatuvchi " Bukhara region workshop with staff on " The Constitution of Uzbekistan - the legal basis of our development."
    At the seminar, a lecture delivered A.Muminov academician . He explained in detail the students about the role and importance of the main document of the Constitution of the country with the adoption of legislative acts of the Republic of Uzbekistan.
      At the end of the seminar academician A.Muminov answered questions from the participants .

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