Rewarded the winners of “O’z kasbining mohir egalari”

November 4, 2016 due to the history museum hosted an event dedicated to awarding the winners of “O’z kasbining mohir egalari”.

   November 4, 2016 due to the history museum hosted an event dedicated to awarding the winners of “O’z kasbining mohir egalari”.
   At the meeting was attended by Chairman of the National Council of Trade Union of Information Technologies and Mass Communications Workers of Uzbekistan A.A.Ishanxodjaev and congratulated all the participants. He also handed over a diploma and a gift to winners of “O’z kasbining mohir egalari”.
   Head of Olot district branch of subsidiary “Matbuot tarkatuvchi” of Bukhara region Z.N.Fayziev and Head of Information Technology of the Company D.M.Kamolov awarded diploma of the National Council of Trade Union of Information Technologies and Mass Communications Workers of Uzbekistan “O’z kasbining mohir egalari” and valuable gifts.

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