Organized a training course for employees
Employees of the joint-stock company “Matbuot tarkatuvchi” successfully completed a refresher course on “E-government” in the training center at the Tashkent University of Information Technologies.
Nowadays, one of the most important legal documents aimed at forming and widespread use of the “e-government” in our country has become integrated development program of the National Information and Communication System of the Republic of Uzbekistan for 2013-2020, approved by the President Islam Karimov “On Measures for further development of the National Information and Communication System of the Republic of Uzbekistan "dated June 27, 2013. It includes tasks such as the provision of opportunity to carry out liaison with government authorities in electronic form, the introduction of the principle of "single window” in the government system. The program also sets out measures to create complex information systems and databases of the “e-government”.
The purpose of the adoption of this program - further development and widespread implementation in all sectors and spheres of our national life of modern information and communication technologies, the accelerated development of information resources, systems and networks, as well as stimulating the spreading and improving public services rendered interactive business entities and the public.