Ona yurtimiz baxtu-iqboli va buyuk kelajagi yo’lida xizmat qilish – eng oliy saodatdir
Karimov “Ona yurtimiz baxtu-iqboli va buyuk kelajagi yo’lida xizmat qilish – eng oliy saodatdir”. It was attended by employees of the subsidiary and the editor of “Xabar” Namangan branch A. Tuychibaev.
The seminar was opened by director of the subsidiary “Matbuot tarkatuvchi” Namangan region X.Mamadaliyeva. She shared her thoughts on a deep study of the book, bringing to the public the spirit and values of her ideas, supporting educational measures to instill in the younger generation a sense of satisfaction from the service in the name of happy future of our country.
Young participants shared their views on the book, “Ona yurtimiz baxtu-iqboli va buyuk kelajagi yo’lida xizmat qilish – eng oliy saodatdir” and noted its inspirational force in the attainment of knowledge and new victories.