Meeting dedicated to the International Women's Day on 8 March

March 5, 2016 in the auditorium of the company held a solemn meeting dedicated to the International Women's Day - 8 March.

   March 5, 2016 in the auditorium of the company held a solemn meeting dedicated to the International Women's Day - 8 March. The meeting was attended by the laureates of the State Prize “Zulfiya” and students of pedagogical University “Nizomiy”.
    The meeting was opened by the general director of JSC “Matbuot tarkatuvchi” S.U.Najbiddinov. In his speech he congratulated the female staff of the company with the spring holiday 8th of March. The general director noted that this holiday, along with the warmth of the spring sun transforms and awakens nature. The world is becoming more beautiful and at this time a lot of people on our planet are feeling a surge of new strength and vitality charge.
    Winners of the State Prize “Zulfiya” were their poems and songs before the participants of the meeting.
    Also, the speakers noted that the government is always concerned about improving the status of women in society has full support and assistance in the fulfillment and development as a person.
    At the meeting the women were presented with valuable gifts.

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