In Uzbekistan, 574 anniversary of the birth of Alisher Navoi

February 9 is celebrated worldwide birthday Alisher Navoi - the great son of the Uzbek people, the great poet, thinker, scholar and statesman, whose artistic heritage is huge and multifaceted.

   February 9 is celebrated worldwide birthday Alisher Navoi - the great son of the Uzbek people, the great poet, thinker, scholar and statesman, whose artistic heritage is huge and multifaceted.
   In his wise sayings, he encourages people to be noble and truthful, generous and kind, intelligent and courteous. Celebrates love, loyalty, brotherhood of nations, while ridiculing human vices and pernicious customs. And today, after five centuries, his works are all also attractive because the ideological basis of creativity Navoi make humanism, justice, thoughts and aspirations of a happy life for all people, faith in reason and progress.

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