In JSC “Matbuot tarkatuvchi” held seminar

January 22, 2015 in joint stock company “Matbuot tarkatuvchi” held a seminar dedicated to the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan №378 from December 3, 2014 “On the Revolutions of individuals and legal entities”.

   January 22, 2015 in joint stock company “Matbuot tarkatuvchi” held a seminar dedicated to the adoption of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan №378 from December 3, 2014 “On the Revolutions of individuals and legal entities”. It was attended by employees of the company, employees of regional enterprises and head of legal and regulatory issues R.H.Hursanov.
   The meeting was opened by the first deputy of director B.S.Kubeyev. The next speaker R.Hursanov, who introduced all the participants of the meeting to the point of taking the law and explained in detail the significance of the adoption of this law.
   At the end of the meeting the speakers answered all the questions from the audience.

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