High respect for the great poet
February 14, Uzbekistan widely celebrated 534 years Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur - the outstanding statesman and historian, the great poet and writer, a wise connoisseur of the human soul, the philosopher-scientist scientist, who owned all the subtleties of the Arab-Persian and Turkish poetry and folklore.
In our country pays special attention to the study of the creative heritage of the great thinkers and scientists - representatives of our people, perpetuating their memory, wide propaganda put forward in their work ideas.
The unique poetry of Babur, his works are a valuable source of information about the lifestyle, customs, nature and values of the peoples of the East, urging people to self-improvement, are important in educating the young generation in the spirit of love for the motherland, loyalty to the ideas of independence.
Creativity Babur is a great spiritual heritage, urging people to harmonious development. His works of literature, history, linguistics, law, geography and music are a source of valuable information, which provide the scientific foundation for the study of the written sources of that time. And the lyrics of Babur are a beautiful page of Uzbek classical poetry.
It is noteworthy that in Uzbekistan work on the study of the life and work of the great ancestors, who made a great contribution to the development of world civilization, the general promotion of their heritage is carried out at a high level. Babur glorified his motherland, love to it. He created wide conditions for the quest of scientists, creative science figures. The manifestation of respect for the memory of Babur in Uzbekistan is a vivid example of respect for the great historical figures which were born on this earth.