Held an event at the company

May 5, 2015 in the joint-stock company “Matbuot tarkatuvchi” for employees of the central office in connection with the May 9 - Day of memory and honor the motto “Man - the roads, the memory - is sacred”, organized the event.

   May 5, 2015 in the joint-stock company “Matbuot tarkatuvchi” for employees of the central office in connection with the May 9 - Day of memory and honor the motto “Man - the roads, the memory - is sacred”, organized the event.
   The event was opened by the first deputy of the general director B.S.Kubeyev.
   In the years of independence under the leadership of President Islam Karimov has become a tradition to implement measures to perpetuate the memory of our great ancestors, worship and expression of concerns about the older generation, which in turn creates in the minds of the younger generation a sense of respect for history.
   - Noble qualities such as the veneration of the memory of ancestors, care and attention to the older generation, who by their life experience are the formation of the younger generation of fully developed personalities have become the sacred duty of each of our compatriot, one of the priorities of our country, - said Associate Professor of Tashkent Architecture -Building Institute N.Buronova.
   At the end of the event, speakers answered all questions from the audience.

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