Held a seminar on tax legislation

On December 5, 2018, a meeting was held in the assembly hall with the participation of employees of the central office and the company's internal auditor U.Tulayev.

   On December 5, 2018, a meeting was held in the assembly hall with the participation of employees of the central office and the company's internal auditor U.Tulayev.
   The meeting was opened by director of Sales of the joint stock company “Matbuot tarkatuvchi” D.S.Safarov, and noted that since January 1, 2019 the taxation of taxpayers of generally established and simplified taxes has been improved in the republic, as well as the criteria for transition to a simplified tax regime.
   “According to the concept of tax reform, the single tax rate for individuals is introduced at a rate of 12% in order to improve the taxation of personal income,” said the auditor U. Tulaev and gave detailed information to the seminar participants on the changes and amendments to the tax legislation of Uzbekistan.
   At the end of the meeting, speakers answered all questions from the meeting participants.

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