Held a seminar on insurance
February 18, 2015 in the auditorium of the company held a seminar with the participation of employees of the company, the central office and the manager of the voluntary health insurance company “Alscom” D.Nizomiddinova and assistant manager U.Hasanov.
The seminar was opened by general director of joint stock company “Matbuot tarkatuvchi” S.U.Najbiddinov. In today's world, insurance is essential for the stable and safe life of every individual, family and society as a whole. It has become a major source of long-term financial resources economically developed countries.
At the seminar, a presentation made by the employees of the insurance company “Alscom” D.Nizomiddinova and U.Hasanov, in their report, they explained in detail the concept of voluntary health insurance.
During their speech the company's employees have received answers and explanations to all questions.