Extraordinary assembly of the shareholders

August 29, 2014 in joint-stock company "Matbuot tarkatuvchi" the extraordinary assembly of the shareholders passed, on which the results of job of the company for 1 half-year of 2014 were considered.

  August 29, 2014 in joint-stock company "Matbuot tarkatuvchi" the extraordinary assembly of the shareholders passed, on which the results of job of the company for 1 half-year of 2014 were considered. On schedule of day of assembly the following questions were switched on:
  1. Statement of the rules of conducting assembly
  2. Statement of the offer of the supervisory Council on distribution of the profit of the company for 1 half-year of 2014 and statement of the sum of payment of the dividends.
  On all questions schedule of day the appropriate decision is accepted.

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