Award for Communication Day: Abduraxmon Shodiev – “The Master of His profession”

The solemn ceremony of awarding the most honorable and distinguished workers of the sphere with the honorary awards “Faxriy yorliq” and “O’z kasbining ustasi” was held on the eve of Communication Day, on May 6 in the Museum of the History of Communication.

   The solemn ceremony of awarding the most honorable and distinguished workers of the sphere with the honorary awards “Faxriy yorliq” and “O’z kasbining ustasi” was held on the eve of Communication Day, on May 6 in the Museum of the History of Communication.
   “O’z kasbining ustasi” - a symbolic award was solemnly presented to Shodiyev Abduraxman Ashurovich, the senior organizer of the retail trade of the subsidiary “Matbuot tarkatuvchi” of the Bukhara region in honor of the professional holiday Communications Day. “O’z kasbining ustasi” is precisely that definition, which is associated with this professional, enterprising and open collaborator.
   Congratulations to A.Shodiyev and wish him further success in his professional field, high achievements and prosperity in the family!

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