A seminar on the theme “Independence is the greatest blessing”

August 28, 2015, in the boardroom stock company "Matbuot tarqatuvchi" administration officials held a meeting with the professor of the Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction F.R.Ravshanov on "Independence is the greatest blessing".

   August 28, 2015, in the boardroom stock company "Matbuot tarqatuvchi" administration officials held a meeting with the professor of the Tashkent Institute of Architecture and Construction F.R.Ravshanov on "Independence is the greatest blessing".
   The meeting was opened by the Deputy General Director of M.Aripov opening remarks: progress and welfare of the population, achieved in our country today, most creative work.
   Addressing the meeting, Professor F.R.Ravshanov held an interesting lecture on which he noted that Uzbekistan for short '24 develops, relying primarily on the will, persistent and creative efforts of the people. Today Uzbekistan's progress is the path of sustainable and dynamic development. At the end of the meeting, Professor F.R.Ravshanov answered questions from participants.

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