Toshxo’jaeva Muhabbat Hikmatovna
Mamadalieva Dilbar Mutalibjanova
Business plan development project company.
Analysis of the economic performance of the company, DP and LTD are members of the company.
A plan of long-term development of the company.
Calculation and expression of the subscription, retail, catalog prices for periodicals in the press distribution companies.
The calculation of dividends to shareholders of the company's net profit.
Formation of staffing.
A generalization of the payroll.
Providing information support on economic issues companies are members of the company.
Keeping data on pay and bonus material workers.
Control and accounting staffing company DP.
Business analysis and execution of business plans.
Compile and prepare reports on daily revenue stalls.
A generalization report of wages by enterprises, the distribution of staff in managerial, technical and industrial categories.
Generalization of data on the number of wage and affiliates.
Pricing for rental property companies and their accounting.
Update subscription catalog prices for the company's website.
Urinov Mexriddin Zaynitdinovich
Adilova Mavjuda Nigmatovna
Qosimov Alisher Bahodirovich