Impeccable reputation, a long-term dissemination of print, a powerful production base, high quality information support and qualified staff ensure that the Joint Stock Company "Matbuot tarkatuvchi" occupy a leading position in the market of print media.
Our mission - to be a link between publishers, editors and readers.
The most faithful and devoted reader for each periodical - its subscriber. That's why we try to make the most comfortable to subscribe to our readers. Subscription catalog Joint Stock Company "Matbuot tarkatuvchi" familiar to every citizen of Uzbekistan, has consistently appeared in all business units annually updating its design. Today, joint-stock company "Matbuot tarkatuvchi" holds the subscription company in all regions of the Republic and through its dealer network in foreign countries. Subscription catalog circulation of more than 3000 copies. The company is actively developing new forms of subscription. Among our new projects - design and delivery of the subscription edition of the most decorated, subscribe directly to the kiosks' Matbuot "as well as by calling the agent of the company for subscription at a convenient time for customers.
Internet users we provide the opportunity to subscribe to, without departing from the monitor - for them on the website program works online subscription. This program takes into account the latest developments in information technology.
Joint Stock Company "Matbuot tarkatuvchi" does not overlook the readers who prefer to purchase periodicals on newsstands.
Retail distribution network of periodicals owned by the Company, is the largest in the country. Joint Stock Company "Matbuot tarkatuvchi" - a modern, high-tech company that provides uninterrupted delivery of periodicals residents of all regions of Uzbekistan.
During the reporting period, the company was able to transform the appearance of stalls for the implementation of the periodical press. Today's newsstands have become an integral part of transforming cities and horosheyuschih modern Uzbekistan. When drafting new kiosks are taken into account advances in modern building industry and the mandatory preservation of traditions of the ancient East.
Company in the dissemination of periodicals in the contractual terms commonly uses the services and capabilities of private entrepreneurs, provides comprehensive support to social marketing.
Publishers, we offer the full range of services now demanded by the market. This is a freight forwarding and transport, storage and circulation of packaging, different types of targeted mailings, advertising, marketing research and more. On the Web site can be amended every ten days to receive information about the subscription to its publication.
The basic principles of its activities:
Providing quality services to clients;
Individual approach to each publisher;
Strict compliance with its obligations to subscribers.
Joint Stock Company "Matbuot tarkatuvchi" is consistently developing its business and strengthens the market position of the press distribution
The main objectives of the company are defined:
- Meeting the needs of the population of the republic and other states in the periodical press of the Republic of Uzbekistan;
- Expansion of the information space between states through the periodical press;
- Organizing, conducting and monitoring the marketing needs of periodicals;
- Ensuring distribution of periodicals through a network of kiosks and retail distributors of periodicals;
- Development and implementation of measures for the rational and efficient allocation and develop a network of retail kiosks;
- Providing in conjunction with affiliates of "Uzbekistan Pochtasi" timely delivery of periodicals to consumers, as well as organization of subscription to periodicals and its implementation through a network of offices.
The company signed a contract for distribution with the editorial staff (publishers) and national periodicals from the publishers of the book of the legislative, legal, and fiction.
Contracts are on an expedition with IPAC "Shark" IPTD "Uzbekistan" as well as with the branch "Halkaro post office" on the delivery of newspapers and magazines via air, rail and road transport in the Republic.
The company publishes a catalog every year, periodicals and books, which are distributed on the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan and elsewhere. The catalog includes more than 500 kinds of periodicals and books. Subscription executed at different prices and delivered to an address in the box or the subscriber number. In addition, the company has a network of retail sales for periodic printing kiosks "Matbuot." Customers (subscribers) are able to subscribe to periodicals and press get in these shops. Kiosks by subscription at a low price.
In distributed newspapers and magazines are printed permanent reforms in all spheres, regulations and laws of the Republic of Uzbekistan, news, sports and culture and achievements of an independent republic.